jueves, 12 de marzo de 2020

Obras de/sobre Zelda Fitzgerald

La producción literaria de ZeldaFitzgerald abarca once historias breves, doce artículos, una obra de teatro, las cartas a Scott Fitzgerald, y la novela Save Me The Waltz.

Historias Breves: Our Own Movie Queen, The Original Follies Girl, Southern Girl, The Girl the Prince Liked, The Girl with Talent, A Millionaire´s Girl, Poor Working Girl, Miss Ella, The Continental Angle, A Couple of Nuts, Other Name for Roses. 

Artículos: Friend Husband´s Latest, Eulogy on the Flapper, Does a Moment of Revolt Come Sometime To Every Married Man?, What Became of the Flappers?, Breakfast, The Changing Beauty of Park Avenue, Looking Back Eight Years, Who Can Fall In Love After Thirty?, Paint and Powder, Show Mr. and Mrs. F. To Number-, Auction- Model 1934, On F. Scott Fitzgerald. Letters to Scott Fitzgerald. 

Obra de teatro: Scandalabra: A Farce Fantasy in a Prologue and Three Acts.
Novela: Resérvame el vals. 

Tiene una novela inacabada: Caesar´s Things

Víspera. Por: Lunardi, Adriana (Biblio Uartes) BR869.3 L961v 33860

Zelda Sayre: la flapper olvidada, de  Esther Corral Gómez

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